Enchanted Waters

Enchanted Waters

A fantastic action-adventure game, Enchanted Waters tasks players with finding their way through a labyrinth while avoiding falling into a lake.

Instructions for the Enchanted Waters

There are a lot of different levels to discover in the casual arcade game Enchanted Waters. You simply need to locate a few different methods, such as hidden contraptions that lead you along alternative paths or doors that have parallel entrances, in order to win. Simply simply falling through the pink portal, you will be able to travel to another planet. Do not forget to make use of split portals to your benefit and to maintain the overall viability of the situation.


  • Different servers are connected to individual players.
  • You can choose to play with members of your own family, total strangers, or your closest friends.
  • Create as much of a one-of-a-kind experience as you can for yourself.

This game is going to put your talents to the test. You can find further strategy games on the Backrooms website. It does not cost anything to get full versions of games like Speed Ball or Swing Grimace into your computer.

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