If you're looking for a great action game, go no further than Sharkosaurus Rampage, in which you must try to escape the underground lab while fending off the security forces.
In Sharkosaurus Rampage, a 2D platformer, you take control of a hybrid shark-dinosaur and wreck the place. Complete each stage while obliterating all inhabitants and structures for maximum points. Gain the most points by destroying as many enemies as possible and accumulating as many stars as possible. As you progress in stages, so does the number of enemies using military might to stop you.
After escaping from your subterranean laboratory in the California Redwoods, you go on a complete and utter rampage.
It's your job to sprint, leap, demolish everything in your path, devour the helpless and the impoverished, and find the three stars hidden at the end of each level. They could try to protect themselves or send in military vehicles, so you should be wary.