MineWorld Shock The Mansion is a new action game in which you must escape by shooting in a lovely Minecraft theme!
Mineworld Horror the Mansion is a unique survival horror game with Minecraft-inspired visuals, terrible zombies, and an eerie atmosphere. There are many dangerous animals, limited ammunition, and the labyrinth of the house looks inaccessible, so finding the truth will be tough. You will be able to go through this arduous struggle unscathed. A terrible disaster occurred in a covert laboratory concealed under a rural cottage. The first police team sent to investigate the incident has not returned. It is now up to you to solve the puzzle and find the truth!
Mineworld Thriller The Mansion, a free-to-play single-player zombie shooting game, boasts unique stages and a terrific atmosphere.
How to play
- Fire weapon: Mouse 1
- Mouse 2: adjust the sights
- C: change the camera mode
- W, S, A. D: Move the player
- Left Shift Left - Sprint Crouch (Ctrl)
- X: predisposed Jump into space
- F - Make use of item
- R stands for reload.
- H: Weapon holster
- G: Detonate a grenade
- T: type in bullet time.
- Pause by pressing Esc or Tab.